Online document photos

ID photo requirements in Latvia

In different countries, the requirements for photo documents differ. You need to read them carefully, because even in one country, different requirements for a photo are different for different documents. Webappium tried to study these parameters and help make it as easy as possible to create a photo of the desired size and provide a link to the current requirements. You can also choose the size of the paper on which you plan to print the photo.

Photograph requirements for a Latvian documents are different. For ID Card you need to do a photograph directly in the office. For Visa you provide a photograph in papier form

    Photograph for ID Card in Latvia

    Latvian Id Card photograph example
    • Source: Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs Republic of Latvia
    • General: Photographs of both children and adults are taken at the divisions on the spot without additional fee. If a passport is processed for a child, the parents must evaluate whether their child will be able to sit on his own or agree to be photographed at the particular moment. Otherwise, special photo cards must be submitted for a passport.
    • External photographs: If you do not wish to be photographed at the division on the spot, you can submit a photograph from a photo-salon, when applying for a new personal identification document. Only photographs made at professional photo-salons can be used for passports, which are confirmed by the photo-salon’s stamp and date on the other side of the photograph. The photograph cannot be older than 3 months, and it must meet other requirements specified in the regulations “On the Personal Identification Documents”. Photographs made at snapshot cabins are invalid!

    Photograph for Visa in Latvia

    Latvian visa photograph example
    • Source: Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs Republic of Latvia
    • Size: Photograph on paper 35 mm x 45 mm (width x height). The photograph must show your face in close-up with a small portion of your shoulders, where the face takes up 70-80% of the photograph.
    • General requirements: The photograph must be of high resolution and printed on high-quality photo paper. The photograph must not be blurry. The photograph must have neutral lighting and contrast, and the colour of the face must be natural. Only the person him/herself must be visible in the photograph, without other persons or toys. The facial expression must be neutral and the mouth must be closed.
    • Head coverings: In the photograph the person must not wear a head covering, except for religious reasons, in which case the head covering must not cover the face or cast a shadow on it.
    • Eyes: The person's eyes must be pointed towards the camera, the eyes must not be closed or covered. The person's glasses must not have tinted lenses or a reflection of the flash light. The frame of the glasses must not be too thick or cover part of the eyes.
    • Background: The face must be pointed straight towards the camera, the background must be uniform and the person's face must be in the centre of the photograph. The lighting in the photograph must be appropriate so that the person does not have red eyes or heavy shadows in the background or on the face due to the flash light.
    • Submit a recent photo, taken within 6 months.
    Create a photograph for a Latvian visa